by Simon Fraser
MacTierra is an independent implementation of Tierra, written largely without knowledge of the original Tierra code, but following descriptions of the system given in publications. It is thus, in some sense, an attempt at verifying the results of the original Tierra. Howerver, much effort has been put into the user interface, to make it easier to use, and thus more accessible to people. In addition, it will, in time, diverge from Tierra in the details.
This makes it very easy to devise and execute a multitude of interesting ecological experiments, and to study the evolution of the system as a whole over time. There is much potential in Tierra-like systems to learn about ecological and evolutionary processes.
MacTierra 1.0 for Mac OS X is now available.
MacTierra for Mac OS 9 and earlier is no longer available.
Source code for MacTierra is available on Github. It requires Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), and developer tools to build.