- dx
, and
instructions are either explained by C-style code snippets, or a more
lengthy description.
Those instructions with a '*' in the 'Flag' column will set the flag if they fail. Conditions for failure are given. Otherwise, the flag is cleared.
Instructions | Hex code | Flag | Action |
nop_0 | 0x00 | No operation. Used as in templates. | |
nop_1 | 0x01 | No operation. Used as in templates. | |
or1 | 0x02 | cx ^= 1 |
sh1 | 0x03 | cx <<= 1 |
zero | 0x04 | cx = 0 |
if_cz | 0x05 | if (cx == 0) {execute the next instruction} else {skip it} |
sub_ab | 0x06 | cx = ax - bx |
sub_ac | 0x07 | ax = ax - cx |
inc_a | 0x08 | ax ++ |
inc_b | 0x09 | bx ++ |
dec_c | 0x0A | cx -- |
inc_c | 0x0B | cx ++ |
push_ax | 0x0C | stack[sp] = ax, sp = (sp + 1) mod stackSize |
push_bx | 0x0D | stack[sp] = bx, sp = (sp + 1) mod stackSize |
push_cx | 0x0E | stack[sp] = cx, sp = (sp + 1) mod stackSize |
push_dx | 0x0F | stack[sp] = dx, sp = (sp + 1) mod stackSize |
pop_ax | 0x10 | sp = (sp + stackSize - 1) mod stackSize, ax = stack[sp] |
pop_bx | 0x11 | sp = (sp + stackSize - 1) mod stackSize, bx = stack[sp] |
pop_cx | 0x12 | sp = (sp + stackSize - 1) mod stackSize, cx = stack[sp] |
pop_dx | 0x13 | sp = (sp + stackSize - 1) mod stackSize, dx = stack[sp] |
jmp | 0x14 | * | Search for the complement to the template following the jmp instruction, looking both
forward and back to a max distance of 1024 instructions.
If found, set the instruction pointer to the instruction following the found template complement.
On failure, set the flag and set the instruction pointer to the instruction following the the template. |
jumpb | 0x15 | * | Search for the complement to the template following the jmp instruction, looking
backwards to a max distance of 1024 instructions.
If found, set the instruction pointer to the instruction following the found template complement.
On failure, set the flag and set the instruction pointer to the instruction following the the template. |
call | 0x16 | * | Search for the complement to the template following the jmp instruction, looking
both ways to a max distance of 1024 instructions.
If found, push the current instruction pointer onto the stack,
and set the instruction pointer to the instruction following the found template complement.
If no template follows the call instruction,
On failure, set the flag and set the
instruction pointer to the instruction following the the template. |
ret | 0x17 | Decrement the stack pointer. Set the instruction pointer to the address from the stack. | |
mov_cd | 0x18 | dx = cx | |
mov_ab | 0x19 | bx = ax | |
mov_iab | 0x1A | * | Copy the instruction in the soup pointed to by the address in the bx register
to the address in the ax register. Fails and sets the flag if the address pointed
to by ax is not free space, the current creature, or its current offspring (if any).
adr | 0x1B | * | Search both ways, up to distance of 1024 instructions, for the complement to the template
following the adr instruction. If found, put the address of the instruction following
the found template into ax , and set cx to the length of the template.
On failure, set the flag.
adrb | 0x1C | * | Search backwards, up to distance of 1024 instructions, for the complement to the template
following the adb instruction. If found, put the address of the instruction following
the found template into ax , and set cx to the length of the template.
On failure, set the flag.
adrf | 0x1D | * | Search forwards, up to distance of 1024 instructions, for the complement to the template
following the adb instruction. If found, put the address of the instruction following
the found template into ax , and set cx to the length of the template.
On failure, set the flag.
mal | 0x1E | * |
Allocate a daughter cell, of the size given by the dx register, and a location
goverened by the ax register and the
current offspring allocation scheme.
On allocation, the address of the allocated cell is returned in the ax register of the
parent.Fails if this creature already has an 'embryo' (offspring for which the div instruction
has not yet been executed, if the size in dx is less than the current minimum
size (12 instructions) or more than some multiple of the parent's size (3 times). Also fails
if space could not be allocated for the offspring.
divide | 0x1F | * |
Separate from the current offspring, which is then given autonomy, and entered
into slicer and reaper queues. Instruction pointer of the daughter is set
to its first instruction. Offspring registers are either zeroed, or copied
from the parent (depending on the settings). Fails if there is not current offspring, or if less than some proportion (currently 0.5) of the daughter has been filled by copy ( mov_iab ) instructions from the parent.
For information about how to compile your own creatures, see the page on assembling.
Table of contents | Installation | Running | Soup settings | Preferences | Statistics |
Assembling | Interface | How it works | c.f. Tierra | Bugs and features | Legal stuff |